Monday, August 17, 2009

More goods

The laptop didn't get fixed in time for me to fly back to Japan, so I'm posting on a borrowed laptop. Well, actually a gifted laptop, given to me by an ALT friend who was staying at my place. I know I'm doing him a favor in a way by accepting some of his unneeded stuff, but that doesn't detract from his generosity. Among some of the other things he's given me:
- A camera tripod.
- Winter clothes.
- Some books.
- A katana. I know.

Maybe I'll be able to survive a bit more comfortably this winter.

Thank you, and may the wind be always at your back, Mr. House.

1 comment:

caleb said...

Hey, that's ME!! And I admit, put that way I DO sound very generous. Just bear in mind that the thought of carrying all that stuff on my back for months was very present in my mind. :-) Glad it could be of help to someone!