Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Shikoku Pilgrimage Day 32

I have broken my streak of walking every step of the henro. I was having serious doubts that I would even finish on this trip. I was thinking I'd stop and just finish the circuit another year.

My body was worn out from the blister pain. They seemed to be multiplying like rabbits. I was feeling defeated, and I went into a roadside cafe for some drinks while I waited for the bus to take me the rest of the way to my inn tonight.

My thinking was, I can't walk any more today. But even after my blisters heal again, the process won't end. I should just quit this trip and come back with better footwear.

I was talking to the cafe worker (his family runs it) and learned his hometown was near Osaka, and he knew the town that I worked in when I taught English. So I started talking about how I was thinking of quitting because I couldn't finish walking the pilgrimage. Walking the whole thing was what gave it meaning to me.

He told me that walking the whole pilgrimage is just one part of the experience. The purpose is to visit all 88 temples, in any way possible. To quit without visiting all has no meaning. But to visit them all, even if I don't walk, has meaning.

So I decided to take that bus down to the inn, but also to keep walking... when I can. If I can walk tomorrow I will; if I can't, I'll take the bus; if I feel so horrible, I'll wait a few days and see. But I am going to finish the pilgrimage in any way I can.







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