Friday, December 26, 2008

It's snowing! And there will be cake.

Merry Day-after-Christmas everyone. It snowed (though not all that much) in Wazuka for the first time this season. Not quite in time for Christmas, but pretty close. As a native Californian, I believe I'm obligated to become giddy over this, or something like that. I did go outside to catch some snowflakes on my tongue, so I think that qualifies.

Last day at work before our short winter break. Apparently we're going to spend the afternoon cleaning the BOE building, though it gets hardly any use. 大掃除 (ōsōji), they call it, which literally translates to "big cleaning". Yay.

Because it's the day after Christmas and everyone in Japan has already eaten their Christmas cakes, the local store was just giving the remaining ones away this morning. Giving them away. As in, free cake. This country never ceases to astound me.

I bought one to share with the BOE, and I'm enjoying it right now. The cake is most definitely not a lie.

1 comment:

Jessie's Bee Blog said...

Loved all your new photos and the video. New Years in Japan looks fun and UNIQUE.